Jan 16, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Relief

I made a difference in the world and so can you!

A massive, 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti near the capital of Port-au-Prince on Tuesday, January 12th. The damage to buildings is extensive and the number of injured or dead is estimated to be in the hundreds, even thousands. World Vision is on the ground rushing emergency supplies to survivors of this catastrophe.

Your gift now will help distribute life-saving relief supplies – including food, clean water, blankets, and tents -- to children and families devastated by the earthquake and aftershocks in Haiti.

“We would be very concerned about a quake of this magnitude anywhere in the world, but it is especially devastating in Haiti, where people are acutely vulnerable because of poor infrastructure and extreme poverty,” said Edward Brown, World Vision’s relief director in the United States.

World Vision has worked in Haiti for 30 years and has some 800 staff in country. Please join us in praying for the children and families devastated by the earthquake in Haiti. And please send a generous gift to help them today.

I made a donation to World Vision to help someone overcome poverty. It was easy to find the right donation opportunity with over 100 ways to give. It only takes a few minutes to make a difference in our world. I encourage you to go experience it for yourself today!
Simply click on the link below to see what you can do to help a child or family in need.

Jan 15, 2010

Ola 2010

O tema da Passagem de Ano no Sheraton (Porto) era Nova Iorque. O mais engracado e' que ha' 2 anos atras nos e os tios estavamos em NY a passar a Passagem de Ano em NY :)

Estava tudo muito em decorado, a comida era optima e a danca durou pela noite dentro.

Foi optimo podermos estar mais tempo com os vovos.

Jan 13, 2010

Portugal... finalmente!

NATAL... e' para isto que serve :) matar saudades de quem nao vemos ha' muito tempo.

AVATAR na companhia das minhas meninas :)

Palavras para que? Passamos uma tarde excelente, nao foi? O filme valeu muito a pena mas em 3D ainda foi melhor. Temos que repetir!!!!!

Encontro com os meus amigos

As saudades crescem, mas a forca da Amizade e' proporcional. E' com emocao que recordo estes momentos. Sao voces que alegram a minha vida para alem fronteiras.

Obrigada pelos sorrisos e os abracos. O meu coracao esta mais preenchido :)